I have been an embroidery and textile artist for about 30 years. My first works were following patterns and learning simple ideas. After a few years of this, I decided that these were all very nice, but it would be even better to use my painting and design skills to "draw" my own designs and interpret them.
My career and other leisure choices centred around the natural environment, hence this is where I draw most of my inspiration. Therefore my works are a celebration of beautiful things: plants, small creatures, juxtaposition of glorious colours!
In June 2016 I took advantage when in London on holiday to take a class at the Royal School of Needlework at the beautiful Hampton Court Palace (photo).
​More recently I have been working on more abstract stitch works.
I recently moved to Waikanae which is small town near Wellington lying between the sea and a bush-covered hillside - both inspirations for art.
Ace of Clubs: goldwork piece created for Upper
Hutt Bridge Club (2019)